Alice became bigger and smaller". , "Alice and the Caterpillar", "Alice at the Crazy Tea Party", "Red Rose and White Rose", "The Disappearing Cheshire Cat" and "Flying Cards", etc. Travel through the adventures of Alice's dreams. The "Alice Down the Rabbit Hole" experiment was the starting point of this scientific journey. Visitors have to muster up the courage to climb into the bottomless hole, and once inside, there is no escape. Zhu Qingqi smiled and explained, "Actually, it is very similar to our experience of taking an elevator.
There are three mirrors in the elevator, and the left and right mirrors are parallel, so if you stand on one side and look at the other side, you will see sms services an infinite number of yourself in the mirror. .We just use this principle to install a circle of light tubes, through infinite reflection, to achieve the effect of infinite imaging, we can see infinite light bars, and they will become smaller and smaller, and we can create the feeling of a bottomless pit." Then Alice walks into the garden and meets the playing card gardener busy painting the white roses that the Queen of
Hearts hates into red roses. Zhu Qingqi designed an experiment to help gardeners not have to be beheaded. "We apply red thermochromic pigment on some of the white roses, which will turn white when touched by hand; the other part is painted with photochromic pigment, and it will turn red when exposed to ultraviolet light." Anti-counterfeiting technology, temperature warning, ultraviolet intensity in daily life It is shown that this principle is actually applied. Photo Credit: Central University Science Education Center Photo Credit: Central University Science Education Center The "Alice Down the Rabbit Hole" experiment uses the optical principle of infinite imaging.