The cost of making Burial Armor within Runescape depends on the type of material you're using as well as its grade Buy RS Gold. The material range from the least valuable to the most valuable is Iron Steel, Mithril Adamant, then Runite. While in terms of grades I, grades I are the most affordable and purest ingot while Grade IV is the purest type of ingot.
To create grades I ingot, you'll need the equivalent amount of ore to make it. That is one ore for one Grade I ingot. For Grade II ingots, you'd require more ores. And for one Grade III ingot, even more ores. The process is identical for all.
This means that the cost of building burial armor varies based on various factors. If you're making use of Iron of Grade I, you'll get it at cheap rates, but it will take longer. The amount of gold per burial you get will be the lowest. If you choose to use metals of a higher level, you'll be able to the exp faster.
Rune Burial armor set can be one of the most efficient ways a player can obtain the best smithing proficiency. This is the most advanced level, and tier of armor set that a player can smith on an Anvil. To create the Rune Burial Armor Set runescape 2007 gold, the player must first make their own Rune Armor Set + 3. This armor set is then taken over to the Burial Anvil which is then transformed as the Burial Armor Set for dwarfs.