These two calligraphers were Whatsapp Mobile Number List rediscovered late, but stamped copies of their inscriptions were actively circulating in their time. The stamping, although it is "directly in contact with the real tracesremains subjective Whatsapp Mobile Number List because in China, its execution is done at the discretion of the person who stamps it. executed. This reproduction process, although making it possible to preserve the physica Whatsapp Mobile Number List l characteristics of the
engraving (dimensions, arrangement Whatsapp Mobile Number List and execution of the characters), deprives of the physical context, which we have seen played a capital role. It is perhaps these arguments that were at the origin of the Whatsapp Mobile Number List kaozhengxue movement and which saw literati go directly to the place in order to see the stelae for themselves. This constraint of stamping has not, however, been an obstacle Whatsapp Mobile Number List to its use: the calligraphic tradition is based on the copy which is itself made accessible by stamping. Ms. Wei reminds us, for
example, that no original work by Wang Whatsapp Mobile Number List Xizhi has been preserved. These copies made by tracing facilitate the study of inscriptions by reducing distances and time as seen through the exhibitions in Venice (2018) and Whatsapp Mobile Number List Bruges (2020) presented during the screening. Introducing this ancient Chinese tradition to an uninitiated audience was a major challenge, Finally, the issue of the conservation of Whatsapp Mobile Number List these sites, which are little visited today, was raised. The few arrangements found there tend to disfigure the landscape and distract from the original experience of the walker in search of inscriptions. However, it is absolutely necessary to protect them from the numerous acts of vandalism perpetrated with the aim, for example, of auctioning wild stampings [7] . The difficulty is to find a balance between protection of heritage, guarantee of accessibility, so that the tradition is perpetuated, and fidelity to the original work which,